Characterization and Determination of Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Bacteria from Infected Wound

Author Details

M. Ali, F. S. Nas, A. Yahaya, and I. S. Ibrahim

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Published: 22 February 2018 | Article Type :


The study was aimed to characterize and determine the antibiotic sensitivity patterns of bacterial isolates from infected wound of patients attending Kura General Hospital from March–July 2017. A total of 32 male adult patients with various degree of infected wound were involved in the study. Clinical samples from the infected wound were collected using sterile swab and analyzed using standard microbiological techniques. Organisms were identified by their colonial morphology, Gram staining and biochemical characterization. Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the bacterial isolates were determined using modified Kirby Bauer method. Out of 32 infected wound samples examined, 106 organisms were isolated. Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequent isolate (27%), followed by Klebsiella sp (24%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20%), Escherichia coli (15%), Proteus mirabilis (9) and Streptococcus (7%). On the sensitivity pattern of the isolates against the antibiotics used, some of the antibiotics are active against the isolates. P. aeruginosa is resistant to Norfloxacin, Amoxicillin, Rifampicin, Ampicillin and Chloramphenicol. Streptococcus also showed resistivity to Ciprofloxacin Norfloxacin and Gentamicin. Klebsiella is resistant to Amoxicillin, Rifampicin and Ampicillin. S. typhi is susceptible to the entire antibiotics but resistant to Rifampicin and Ampicillin. Statistical analysis of the results showed significant different on the susceptibility of the isolates to the antibiotics used at p < 0.05. There is the present of resistance to the commonly used antibiotics due to emergence of multi-drug resistant isolates. There is need for proper diagnosis to monitor the susceptibility pattern of wound isolates which will guide the use of antibiotics

Keywords: Bacteria, infected wound, antibiotic, susceptibility pattern. 

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M. Ali, F. S. Nas, A. Yahaya, and I. S. Ibrahim. (2018-02-22). "Characterization and Determination of Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Bacteria from Infected Wound." *Volume 1*, 1, 39-44