Influence of Energy Use in the Sustainability of Tourism Resources in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

Author Details

Enemuo, O. B, Udom, S. M and Ajala, Joy

Journal Details


Published: 1 January 2020 | Article Type :


The study investigated the Influence of energy use in the sustainability of tourism resources in Uyo, Akwa  Ibom State. The study raised three research questions which were aimed to find out the sources of energy  use in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, the influence of energy use on tourism destination in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State  and the way in which tourism destination can be sustained through the use of renewable energy sources.  One alternate hypothesis was formulated (there is a significant relationship between energy use and tourism  resources), this was aimed to investigate the relationship between the variables. The hypothesis was tested  at 0.05 alpha level of significance using a chi square statistical test.The study uses descriptive survey design,  and the population used was a total of two hundred and sixty (260) drawn from three tourist destinations in  Uyo. Using Taro Yamane, an approximate sample size of one hundred and fifty eight (158) was obtained, a  well validated 38 items questionnaire were issued under two sections. The first section was the demographic  information which contained seven items; the second section contained thirty one (31) items which were  aimed to elicit information from respondent with respect to the research questions raised. Out of the one  hundred and fifty eight (158) questionnaires issued, one hundred and fifty (150) were filled and returned.  The data was analyzed using descriptive analytical tools such as frequencies and percentages, mean and  standard deviationThe findings from the study indicated that Uyo, Akwa Ibom State uses nonrenewable  energy, mostly fossil fuels, although some renewable are use , findings also showed that energy use have  severally influences on tourism destination both natural, cultural and social, findings from the research  hypothesis indicated that a relationship exist between energy use and tourism resources. From the findings  it was recommended that government should enact laws and principles and strongly enforce existing  principals such as the polluter pay principles to ensure the individual, industries and companies takes  responsibility for any pollution caused by them, this will make people more environmentally friendly.  Carbon foot print should be improve through fuel economy and reduce driving. There should be energy  efficiency by planting trees, using led bulb etc.

 Keywords: Influence, Energy Use, I Sustainability, Tourism and Resources.

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How to Cite


Enemuo, O. B, Udom, S. M and Ajala, Joy. (2020-01-01). "Influence of Energy Use in the Sustainability of Tourism Resources in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-12