The Relationship between Resilience and the Perceived Importance of Match Outcome for Volleyball Players

Author Details

Patsiaouras Asterios

Journal Details


Published: 3 June 2020 | Article Type :


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between resilience and the perceived importance of the match outcome of volleyball players according to gender and team category. Participants  were 78 males and females volleyball players from high level Greek volleyball categories (B‟ category, PreLeague, 1st League). The Self Evaluation Resilience test, and the importance-crucial match evaluation questions was used for the study. Data were analyzed with SPSS 23.0 using one-way ANOVA with post hoc  Bonferroni adjustment test. Results showed statistically significant differences between the males and females volleyball players in variable „„forming relationships‟‟ in favor of females volleyball players. Statistically significant differences were observed too with reference to team players category between B‟ category and Pre-league and B‟ category and 1st League volleyball players in variable „„importance-crucial  of match‟‟ in favor of the players from higher level. It emerged that coaches and volleyball players should  recognize that female‟s volleyball players focused more in forming relationships and volleyball players from  higher level players pay notice more the importance and the crucial of the match comparing to lower category team volleyball players. Additionally, the results of the study are briefly discussed.

Keywords: Volleyball players, resilience, match importance, team category Training load should be  increased in step form.

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How to Cite


Patsiaouras Asterios. (2020-06-03). "The Relationship between Resilience and the Perceived Importance of Match Outcome for Volleyball Players." *Volume 2*, 2, 20-26