Making Change in Quality of Higher Education in Bangladesh: Does HEQEP Matter

Author Details

Md. Awal Hossain Mollah

Journal Details


Published: 16 February 2021 | Article Type :


This study aims to evaluate the role and effect of the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (hereafter used as HEQEP) in enhancing the quality of higher education (QHE) in Bangladesh focused on the University of Rajshahi. To examine the role and effect of HEQEP, the study has been conducted by following three specific objectives: i) To assess the technological and infrastructure change and development for enhancing institutional capacity; ii) To assess the training programs and initiatives have been taken under HEQEP for professional skill development of academic staff; and iii) To assess the change and development of the curriculum, and academic results of the students. The research is qualitative but some quantitative data have been used. Therefore, both secondary and primary data have been used to conduct this study. Primary data have been collected by using semi-structured questionnaires (both open and close-ended) and Interview techniques. Secondary data have been collected by documentary studies. In this study, some explicit positive changes and improvements have been found in the infrastructure of the selected departments but not adequate and sufficient. Similarly, limited positive changes have been found in professional skills but no qualitative change has been found in overall quality of academic curriculum, result and staff performance. Therefore, HEQEP is not enough for ensuring the quality of higher education. Besides, several factors are responsible for the quality of higher education like the socio-cultural background, political stability, budget allocation, recruitment policy of the university, the role of management, leadership, teaching-learning method, and other facilities. The study findings would be helpful for public universities of Bangladesh and developing countries to reform their education policy and governance strategies.

Keywords: HEQEP, Quality, Higher Education, Bangladesh.

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How to Cite


Md. Awal Hossain Mollah. (2021-02-16). "Making Change in Quality of Higher Education in Bangladesh: Does HEQEP Matter." *Volume 3*, 1, 19-30