Actinic Keratosis Masquerading as a Cutaneous Horn

Author Details

How Kit Thong, Adillah Lamry, Primuharsa Putra Sabir Husin Athar, Tengku Mohamed Izam Tengku Kamalden

Journal Details


Published: 2 July 2020 | Article Type :


Cutaneous horns are usually found on skin surfaces exposed to high levels of sunlight. It is a rare tumor presenting as a conical, well-circumscribed mass, and is usually composed of dead keratin. Cutaneous horns may originate from a wide spectrum of skin lesions including those that are benign, premalignant, or malignant.We are reporting a rare case of Actinic keratosis presenting as a slow-growing “horn-like” mass over the patient’s left ear pinna. Excision biopsy was performed and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis. Cutaneous horn is a rare clinical entity, with a bizarre horn-like growth commonly appearing at sun-exposed areas of the head and neck region. However, such a lesion can also originate from a benign, premalignant, or malignant condition; therefore, excision with histopathological studies is mandatory in all cases.

Keywords: cutaneous horn, sebaceous horn, actinic keratosis

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How to Cite


How Kit Thong, Adillah Lamry, Primuharsa Putra Sabir Husin Athar, Tengku Mohamed Izam Tengku Kamalden. (2020-07-02). "Actinic Keratosis Masquerading as a Cutaneous Horn." *Volume 3*, 1, 10-13