Successful Aging, COVID-19 and Meditation Strategies

Author Details

Ray Marks

Journal Details


Published: 12 May 2020 | Article Type :


Aging, a commonly accepted stage of declining health has been shown to vary in terms of its associated functional and cognitive outcomes. This brief review examines the current importance of efforts to maximize the ability of community dwelling adults to age successfully in the midst of the novel corona virus [COVID-19] pandemic, and whether aspects of mindfulness meditation might assist in fostering this potentially desirable state of wellbeing among community dwelling adults in a time of isolation and quarantine. In examining peer reviewed articles focusing on ‘successful aging’, COVID-19, and mindful meditation and prayer, it is clear COVID-19 has a predilection for older adults, especially those with co morbid health conditions. However, as a whole, meditative strategies appear protective in terms of producing more favourable impacts on mental health as well as emotional and physical health outcomes that underpin the goal of ‘successful aging’ and can possibly help in averting or reducing COVID-19 risk directly, as well as indirectly. As such, the consistent practice of one or more meditative strategies, among other self-care strategies may prove highly beneficial in the context of promoting favourable neuro psychobiological effects that can reduce or compress modifiable or preventable aging processes among currently homebound community dwelling adults.

Keywords: coronavirus, COVID-19, community, immunity, infection, meditation, mindfulness, older adults; prayer; successful aging.

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How to Cite


Ray Marks. (2020-05-12). "Successful Aging, COVID-19 and Meditation Strategies." *Volume 3*, 1, 1-13