Foucault, Aging and Bio-Ethics

Author Details

Jason L. Powell

Journal Details


Published: 24 November 2018 | Article Type :


The earlier work of Michel Foucault (1972, 1977) has influenced explanatory frameworks for understanding health and medical research.What has not been delineated sufficiently is Foucault’s (1988) later work of ‘technologies of self’ as applied to aging. This article unravels the conceptual and theoretical insights of Foucault’s later work in order to understand ‘bio-ethics’ as applied to a contemporary understanding of bio-technologies which impinge upon the social re-construction of aging. The article attempts to show how Michel Foucault’s insights allows social scientists to provide both a critical and positive appraisal of aging identity. The article also reviews the relationship between aging and self-knowing in contexts specific to bio-ethics and bio- technologies of good health management; use of counselling; and bodily enhancement.

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How to Cite


Jason L. Powell. (2018-11-24). "Foucault, Aging and Bio-Ethics." *Volume 1*, 2, 15-22