A Rare Reason of Kidney Failure in a Renal Transplant Recipient: Atrial Fibrillation

Author Details

Eray Eroglu, Hatice Yilmaz, Aydin Unal, Ahmet Tutus, Ismail Kocyigit, Ali Dogan6, Murat Hayri Sipahioglu, Bulent Tokgoz, Oktay Oymak

Journal Details


Published: 16 August 2019 | Article Type :


The main causes of renal dysfunction in renal transplant recipients are acute or chronic allograft rejection, recurrent and de-novo glomerular diseases, BK virus nephropathy, renal artery stenosis, and rarely ureter obstruction. Renal infarction is a rare condition which is caused by renal artery occlusion and it might be resulted in renal parenchymal damage.The most common etiology of renal infarction is atheroembolic diseases. Other causes are trauma, autoimmune diseases and hypercoagulability. Renal infarction of the kidney is very rare and its incidence is not clear in patients with kidney transplantation. Herein we presented a renal transplant recipient with renal dysfunction due to renal infarction as a result of embolism due to atrial fibrillation, resulting in permanent renal dysfunction.

Keywords: Kidney transplantation, atrial fibrillation, renal infarction.

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Eray Eroglu, Hatice Yilmaz, Aydin Unal, Ahmet Tutus, Ismail Kocyigit, Ali Dogan6, Murat Hayri Sipahioglu, Bulent Tokgoz, Oktay Oymak. (2019-08-16). "A Rare Reason of Kidney Failure in a Renal Transplant Recipient: Atrial Fibrillation." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-5