Sedentary Behavior Strongly Associated with the Number of Steps Taken by Frail Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study
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Published: 4 August 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Objectives: This study examined factors related to the number of steps taken by frail older adults.
Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 35 frail older adults aged 84.7 ± 5.9 years who attended a day-care center in Japan. The number of steps taken and time spent sitting were measured in 24 hours for 6 days using an accelerometer, knee extension strength, modified falls efficacy scale, timed up and go test, short physical performance battery, functional independence measure, and the Fillenbaum’s instrumental activities of the daily living screener. The factors contributing to the number of steps taken were investigated using stepwise multiple regression analyses.
Results: The mean number of steps taken per day (standard deviation) by all participants was 1,446.6 (886.2). In the stepwise multiple regression analyses, the number of steps taken was significantly affected by the time spent sitting (β = -0.674) and the short physical performance battery (β = 0.298).
Conclusions: The study results suggest that less sedentary activity and improved lower extremity function may increase the number of steps taken by frail older adults.
Key words: Number of daily steps; Sedentary behavior; Accelerometer; Japanese frail older adults.

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How to Cite
Suguru Ando, Yumi Higuchi, Tetsuya Ueda, Tatsunori Murakami, Wataru Kohzuki. (2020-08-04). "Sedentary Behavior Strongly Associated with the Number of Steps Taken by Frail Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-7