Problem Solving in Clinical Practice Paper Brexit Benefits? An Unusual Cause for Bruising in a Baby

Author Details

Rianna Burrill, Briony Stone, Andrew N. Williams, Bindu Koodiyedath

Journal Details


Published: 17 December 2018 | Article Type :


This paper details the case of a 4 month old baby who presented acutely to A and E and was found to have bruising. It will highlight decision making dilemmas as they were encountered in the clinical environment and guide the reader to the final diagnosis through history, examination andinvestigations. There are controversies in the literature surrounding the final diagnosis that will be discussed. Finally the case is concluded with management and follow up details.

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How to Cite


Rianna Burrill, Briony Stone, Andrew N. Williams, Bindu Koodiyedath. (2018-12-17). "Problem Solving in Clinical Practice Paper Brexit Benefits? An Unusual Cause for Bruising in a Baby." *Volume 1*, 2, 26-34