Myoclonus Revealing a Psychogenic Abnormal Movement Regarding a Case CHU Ignace DEEN
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Published: 24 January 2025 | Article Type : Case ReportAbstract
Introduction: Psychogenic abnormal movements (PAM) are classified in the so-called conversion phenomena themselves grouped under the term somatoform disorders. Difficult to diagnose.
Observation: We report a case of psychogenic abnormal movements. This is a 24-year-old woman who came for abnormal movements of myoclonic type affecting the 4 limbs, the face and the trunk. In a context of sexual abuse for 8 years. The clinical examination revealed an extrapyramidal syndrome, the brain scan, biology, EEG, lumbar puncture, did not reveal any particularities. The evolution was marked by a decrease in the frequency of myoclonus under haloperidol.
Conclusion: The management of psychogenic abnormal movements requires rigorous diagnosis, clear disclosure, the establishment of clear and measured therapeutic objectives, and stable monitoring by the treating neurologist who remains the pivot of care and who involves stakeholders from other disciplines at each stage.
Keywords: Abnormal Psychogenic Movements Conversion, Neurology, Ignace Deen.

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Case Report
How to Cite
BARRY S D, DORE M, TOURÉ ML CAMARA N, CONDE ML DIAWARA K DOUMBOUYA I, CAMARA I, SOUMAH C, DIALLO AS, CISSE FA. (2025-01-24). "Myoclonus Revealing a Psychogenic Abnormal Movement Regarding a Case CHU Ignace DEEN." *Volume 5*, 1, 1-3