Analysis of Mouth Cancer Incidence Estimates in Brazil and Paraiba State (2003 - 2017)
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Published: 20 November 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Objective: To analyze the estimated incidence of oral cavity cancer in Brazil and Paraiba, published by INCA, from 2003 to the 2016/2017 biennium.
Methods: A bibliographic and documentalresearch was conducted based on data obtained from Cancer Estimation documents in Brazil, published by INCA, from 2003 to 2016/2017. A comparative analysis of the incidence of oral cavity cancer was performed in Brazil and Paraiba, correlating data from male and female genders, as with primary anatomical sites.
Results: In the last 15 years, in Brazil and the Northeast region, the oral cavity was one of the ten anatomical locations with the highest number of new estimated cancer cases, occupying the seventh position. In Paraiba, there was a 433.33% increase in incidence estimates by changing from 60 to 260 new cases most striking the male population. Within the most incident types of cancer except non-melanoma skin, the oral cavity became, in the biennium 2014-2015, the fourth location with the highest estimated number of cases, surpassing other sites such as cervix, lung, colon, and rectum.
Conclusion: The number of new estimated cases of oral cavity cancer increases each year, both in Brazil and Paraiba. Although the different proportion between men and women is decreasing, there is still a larger number of new cases among men.
Keywords: Incidence, epidemiology, oral malignancies, carcinomas.

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Thalison Ramon de Moura Batista, Bruna Dantas da Silva, Emanuel Esperidiao Silva Borges, Sandra Aparecida Marinho, Dmitry Jose de Santana Sarmento, Sergio Henrique Goncalves de Carvalho, Gustavo Gomes Agripino. (2019-11-20). "Analysis of Mouth Cancer Incidence Estimates in Brazil and Paraiba State (2003 - 2017)." *Volume 2*, 2, 11-17