Assessment of the Use of Social Media by Farm Scientists of Colleges of Agriculture, and Dairy Science, Zars, Kvk, Kalaburagi Deistic: A Case Study

Author Details

Mrs. Manjula Veeranna Kattimani, Dr. Shantadevi. T

Journal Details


Published: 15 December 2020 | Article Type :


The growth and popularity of Social Media is a Information Communication Technology. It is one person to anther persons communicate, transformation collaboration of the information. it is online communication sites, improving the new knowledge and very useful of social media. It is helps in Academic work, Research work, Extension work, etc. It is plural of medium, channels, websites, tools, number of searching ways information communication it is a process, access, learning, searching, creating, the new ideas, messages, offline and online information communication use of social media, social media it is a very important and use of many more number of people in our related work, The well structured questionnaires was designed and used to collect the data to know the various of use of social media by farm scientists of the college of agriculture Kalaburagi, college of dairy science mahagvan, zonal agriculture research station, Kalaburagi (ZARS) and krishi vignana Kendra (KVK) Kalaburagi districts it studies about how it has been improving their information communication skills in the field of farm.

Keywords: Use of Social Media, Farm Scientists, Use of Information Communication Patron.

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How to Cite


Mrs. Manjula Veeranna Kattimani, Dr. Shantadevi. T. (2020-12-15). "Assessment of the Use of Social Media by Farm Scientists of Colleges of Agriculture, and Dairy Science, Zars, Kvk, Kalaburagi Deistic: A Case Study." *Volume 4*, 4, 28-33