Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility: Contemporary Corporate Issues in Nepal
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Published: 17 February 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The main purpose of this study is to identify CSR practiced by Nepalese businesses. Similarly, the study has also explored the mandatory issues of CSR in Nepal. So, to test the CSR practice, the data regarding this have been collected from structured questionnaire for descriptive analysis. Besides this, experts opinions have also been collected to diagnose mandatory issues of CSR in Nepal’s real perspective. The result of the studys hows that CSR should be made mandatory but with an added responsibility of transparency, stringency, and innovation on part of government and corporates. Hence, in Nepalese business society, the legal and ethical domains of CSR are found to be poor in practice . Furthermore, diverse views of experts are found on CSR mandatory issues in Nepal. Hence, it can be concluded that, it is not enough just to make CSR policy mandatory. Along with policy, CSR has to be accountable and transparent, showing their fund allocation and observed sectors. Further, implication of this study, strategic economic motivation of CSR is increasing in the Nepalese context. Thus, the value of the paper is perhaps the first to substantiate the relevance of CSR in Nepalese context by tying together contemporary and contentious issues of CSR in Nepal.
Keywords: CSR, issues, mandatory, business, society, experts, Nepal.

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How to Cite
Manoj Kumar Chaudhary, Ph.D. (2020-02-17). "Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility: Contemporary Corporate Issues in Nepal." *Volume 3*, 1, 28-38