Nanotechnology and Nanoscience: A Blueprint for Chemistry Revolution

Author Details

Eluchie Nene Pear

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Published: 5 January 2018 | Article Type :


Nanotechnology is emerging as one of the principal areas of investigation that is integrating the chemical industry and material science and in some cases those with biology to create new and yet undiscovered properties that can be exploited to gain new market opportunities. It is one of the most important tools in modern chemistry, and is anticipated to become a driving economic force in the near future.The role of chemistry in nanotechnology has been reviewed as well as the benefits to mankind, the tremendous opportunities that it has presented to the chemical industry, that is capable of introducing new products that could energize the world economy, solve major societal problems, revitalize existing industries and create new business. The programme combine core chemistry with Nano chemistry, nanophysics and nanotechnology (and will expand into new applications) in areas as diverse as chemical engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, microelectronics, communications and aerospace. Nanotechnology is changing the world and the way we live, creating scientific advances and new products that are smaller, faster, stronger, safer and more reliable. It is actually revolutionizing our lives.

Keywords: Chemistry, Nana science, Nanotechnology, Devices, Materials and Opportunities.

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How to Cite


Eluchie Nene Pear. (2018-01-05). "Nanotechnology and Nanoscience: A Blueprint for Chemistry Revolution." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-8