A Disproof of Einstein’s Photoelectric Contention That Maxwell Emissions Are Photons, with an Application to the Resolution of the Wave-Particle Paradox

Author Details

Donald C. Aucamp, Sc.D.

Journal Details


Published: 22 November 2023 | Article Type : Research Article


Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper on the photoelectric effect concluded that all electromagnetic radiation consists of particles (photons) with energy E=hf. Prior to this, Maxwell’s equations on electromagnetic theory were deemed to be the last word on the subject. From these equations Maxwell predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves which travel at the speed of light as given by his formula for c. Both approaches have worked somewhat successfully since then, though arguably not simultaneously. A theory is offered here using mostly classical physics to resolve this wave-particle paradox. In addition to this classical analysis, the theory is further strengthened by a brief discussion of recent works by this author.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Donald C. Aucamp, Sc.D.. (2023-11-22). "A Disproof of Einstein’s Photoelectric Contention That Maxwell Emissions Are Photons, with an Application to the Resolution of the Wave-Particle Paradox." *Volume 5*, 2, 1-3