Mathematical Model to Predict Split Tensile Strength Durability from Partial Replacement of Silica Fumes and Iron Slag

Author Details

Eluozo*, S.N. Dimkpa .K.

Journal Details


Published: 15 September 2020 | Article Type :


The identification of coppers slag for partial replacement of concrete with iron slag and silica fume has been conceptualized to reduce industrial waste, this is one ways of reducing environmental pollution challenges facing developing nations, the study find it imperative to apply iron slag and silica fumes to partially replace concrete, this concept were adopted experimentally to monitor the improvement rate of the concrete partially replaced cement with iron slag and silica fume. The applications of iron slag were observed to be more economical if it is applied in construction, thus reduce its rates of waste generation in the environment. The study monitor the partial replacement of cement with iron slag and silica fume applying modeling and simulation, the concept were adopted to thoroughly developed model that can be applied to predict the growth rate of tensile strength, such application were applied varying the parameters in various curing age, the level of growth rates varying different parameters were observed, the influence from void ratios, porosities of concrete were monitored, this were observed in different variations that influence the growth rate of tensile in different curing age, the study is imperative because the developed tensile strength from cement partially replaced with silica fumes and iron slag expressed the level of its economic usefulness in construction industry. The predictive and experimental values developed best fits correlation, this shows that the derived model can be applied to determine other mechanical properties of concrete partially replaced with iron slag and silica fumes.

Keywords: mathematical model, split tensile strength silica fumes and ion slag.

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How to Cite


Eluozo*, S.N. Dimkpa .K.. (2020-09-15). "Mathematical Model to Predict Split Tensile Strength Durability from Partial Replacement of Silica Fumes and Iron Slag." *Volume 3*, 3, 61-69