Review on Factors Causes Road Traffic Accident in Africa

Author Details

Mr. Debela Deme (MSc)

Journal Details


Published: 28 September 2019 | Article Type :


Road accident is a global tragedy with ever rising trend and endless. Road traffic injuries were among the leading causes of death, life-long disability and property damage in this world. According to World Health Organization, 2018 report; road traffic deaths were the eighth leading cause of death more than tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Africa’s roads were the world’s deadliest for a multitude of reasons. Categorically; human, mechanical and environmental factors were basic causes for road traffic accident in Africa. The main purpose of this paper was review and investigating factors causes road traffic accident in Africa. This review consider all African countries and probable factors causes road traffic accident in Africa. Even though; due to constraint of data this review constitute twenty-four African country those constitute more than eighty percent of population size in Africa with sixty-three research articles to define the factors causes road traffic accident in Africa. As per the investigation on road traffic accident in African countries the majority of researchers and research articles revealed that human related factors(like speed driving, overtaking, reckless driving, fatigue, drunk driving, drug, seat belt, sleeping, cell phone usage and etc.) accounted a causes for more than three fourth of road traffic accident Africa. In most populated Africa country like Nigeria, Ethiopia and Egypt more than eighty percent of road traffic accident happen due to human related factors. Particularly; drivers play a significant role for the occurrences of road traffic accident in Africa. While the remaining less than one fourth of road traffic accident causes related to environmental and mechanical related factors in Africa. As per the finding; pedestrians and passengers were the major risk taker in road traffic accident in Africa. Even if; the effect of environment and mechanical related factors were minor, it was not as such negligible causes for the occurrences of road traffic accident in Africa. So, to curb road traffic accident in Africa; concerning body, government and stake holder must undertake probable solution to fix a problem that caused by human related factor on road transport system.

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How to Cite


Mr. Debela Deme (MSc). (2019-09-28). "Review on Factors Causes Road Traffic Accident in Africa." *Volume 2*, 3, 41-49