Effect of Irrigation with Magnetic Water and Nitrogen Fertilizers Source on the Vegetative Growth, Essential Oil Ingredients and Productivity of Origanum Majorana

Author Details

Rania M. Khater

Journal Details


Published: 19 August 2019 | Article Type :


This research was conducted in greenhouse at the National Research Center for during two successive years 2013/2014, 2014/2015 in order to study the effect of irrigation water (tap water, magnetic water) and levels of ammonium sulfate (0, 7, 14 ) g/pot) and the interaction between them on the vegetative growth and essential oil production of ( Origanum majorana L.) plant. The results obtained indicated the possibility of obtaining the highest values of the attributes of vegetative growth, essential oil production and Chemical constituents when irrigate plants with magnetized water with the addition of ammonium sulfate at a rate of 14 g / plant under the conditions of the experiment.

Keywords: Origanum majorana , ammonium sulfate, magnetic water, irrigation, nitrogen fertilizer.

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How to Cite


Rania M. Khater. (2019-08-19). "Effect of Irrigation with Magnetic Water and Nitrogen Fertilizers Source on the Vegetative Growth, Essential Oil Ingredients and Productivity of Origanum Majorana." *Volume 2*, 3, 27-40