Modeling Compressive Strength of Concrete Pavement Influenced by Water Cement Ratios modified with Silica and Plasticizer

Author Details

Eluozo S.N, Nwaobakata C

Journal Details


Published: 19 February 2019 | Article Type :


The study predict the compressive strength of concrete modified with silica and plasticizers, this is to monitor the strength growth rate of the concrete at different curing age, linear trend were observed from the study at different age to the optimum values that was recorded at ninety day of age, the influenced of the addictive on the mixed designed were observed as its reflects on the growth rate of the compressive strength, variation of water cement ratios were also monitored, this was at different ratios between (0.23-0.40), this study express various growth rate of strength development, but decrease of strength were experienced as the water cement ratios increase, the compressive strength experienced decrease in strength development, but the developed compressive strength are within the required strength targeted, the predictive values from the simulation were compared with experimental values, and both parameters experienced best correlation, the study has detailed the behavior of compressive state based on the target strength for concrete pavement,

Keywords: Modeling, compressive strength, pavement silica and plasticizers.

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How to Cite


Eluozo S.N, Nwaobakata C. (2019-02-19). "Modeling Compressive Strength of Concrete Pavement Influenced by Water Cement Ratios modified with Silica and Plasticizer." *Volume 2*, 1, 35-41