Study on Physico-Chemical Properties of Coleroon River, Tamil Nadu, India
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Published: 30 May 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The study was conducted in Coleroon River from Upper Anaicut to Lower Anaicut Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu. It is the drainage carrier of Cauvery, branching out near Upper Anaicut. Normally, the entire floodwaters of Cauvery, surplus from Mettur dam are being diverted to Upper Anaicut and Coleroon directly and also through Grand Anaicut. Four stations were selected for collection of water samples and it was analysed for its water quality parameters. The air temperature varied between 28oC and 38oC during the period of investigation. The conductivity was a factor related to the present study points to its significant relationship with water temperature, phosphate and silicate. During summer, the dissolved oxygen level was reduced because of the decomposition of organic matter, resulting in increased COD and BOD. Sulphate was found to have significant correlation with DO, BOD and COD. Phosphate was found to have significant correlation with silicate, BOD and COD. Similarly, Phosphates was observed in the river were within the suitable range for supporting a productive ecosystem. Silicates show significant correlation with Air temperature, Conductivity, DO, BOD and COD. This data was computed with the value of National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSFWQI), mostly applicable in USA and India. The results of NSFWQI of Coleroon river indicates that its water quality as ‘Good’. Based upon the results, the existing conservation measures have been reviewed and additional measures are suggested.
Keywords: Water quality parameters, Water quality index, Coleroon River, Temperature.

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How to Cite
Pazhanisamy. S, Thenral. M, AnbuSrinivasan.P and Veeramani. A. (2018-05-30). "Study on Physico-Chemical Properties of Coleroon River, Tamil Nadu, India." *Volume 2*, 2, 24-32