Survey, Morphometric and Molecular Analysis of Marine Crab Charybdis Feriatus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Southeast Coast of India
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Published: 8 May 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
In population studies, Morphometric and molecular investigation provides a powerful complement to environmental and genetic stock identification approach and length-weight relationships allow the conversion of growth-in-length equations to growth-in-weight for use to a stock assessment. The survey of C. feriatus were made in eight landing centers, viz., Annankoil, Mudasalodai, Arukkattuthurai, Muthupettai, Mallipattinam, Sethubavchatram, Manamelkudi and Jegathapattinam, Southeast coast of India. Whereas other study animals were collect only from Annankoil(Lat.11°24′ N; Long. 79°464′ E). In general, male crab landings contributions were highest followed by females irrespective of the stations of the current study. C. feriatus males showed to undertake positive allometric growth at value of „b‟ being 3.06. C. feriatus females showed to undergo negative allometric growth in „b‟ value of 2.89. The COX1 Sequenced nucleotide regions were deposit in GenBank under the accession number KR186011. The present tree topology clearly shows that the C. feriatus are close similarity with next species of C. japonica, C. hellerii and C. lucifera in neighbor-Joining method.
Keywords: Marine crab; C. feriatus, Population studies, morphometric, molecular analysis.

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Murali Shankar Anaiappan a, Thiruvarasu Soundarrajanb, Henciya Santhaseelanc, Jaganathan Kamalesh a, Soundarapandian Peyila. (2018-05-08). "Survey, Morphometric and Molecular Analysis of Marine Crab Charybdis Feriatus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Southeast Coast of India." *Volume 2*, 2, 15-23