Effect of Nutritional Status and Life Style on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Western Libya

Author Details

Ashraf Mohamed Albakoush, Azab Elsayed Azab, Siddig B. Mohamed, Aboajela Ramadan Imbark Ajaj, Eman M.A. Shaban, Aya A. El- Bahloul, Sarah M. Abd-elsalam, Massara A. Brick, and Samir M. El-Hasherni

Journal Details


Published: 21 March 2017 | Article Type :


This study was descriptive cross-sectional study, aimed to study the effect of nutritional status, and lifestyle habit among type 2 DM patients in Surman, Western-Libya. A total of 130 type 2 DM patients were enrolled in this study, which was carried out in the period from March to (July 2017). The results were showed that, from 130 type 2 DM patients were recruited for this study, 53 (40.8%) were males, while 77 (59.2%) were females. Out of 130 participants, 47 was normal BMI (36.2%), while 81 was overweight (62.3%) and only 2 was underweight (1.5%). This study was revealed that from 130 participants of type 2 DM patients 88 have taken an ideal diet (67.6%), while 42 were not (32.4%). Moreover, only 37 patients were done physical activities (28.5%), while 93 patients were not (71.5%). Also, the study was shown that 81 patients were exposed to mental stress (62.3%), whereas 49 their life was normal (37.7%). The conclusion, the nutritional status, and lifestyle habit have a great advised effect among type 2 DM patients in Western Libya. It can be concluded that the majorities of individuals with type 2 diabetes were overweight, due to lack of physical activity, and did not follow dietary guidelines for fats, fruits and vegetable consumption. Additional measures are needed to encourage regular physical activity and improve dietary habits in this population.

Keywords: Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Nutritional Status, Life Style habit, Western Libya.

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Ashraf Mohamed Albakoush, Azab Elsayed Azab, Siddig B. Mohamed, Aboajela Ramadan Imbark Ajaj, Eman M.A. Shaban, Aya A. El- Bahloul, Sarah M. Abd-elsalam, Massara A. Brick, and Samir M. El-Hasherni. (2017-03-21). "Effect of Nutritional Status and Life Style on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Western Libya." *Volume 1*, 1, 31-36