Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment of Sediment, Periwinkle and Water in Bodo Creek, Niger Delta Nigeria

Author Details

Chimezie Okonu, Bernard B. Babatunde, Aroloye O. Numbere, Emoyoma Udi

Journal Details


Published: 26 November 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


The ecological and human health risk assessment of sediment, periwinkle and water in Bodo Creek, Nigeria was carried out between June, 2023-March, 2024. Three sampling sites were chosen in remediated area. Physico-chemical parameters (total dissolved solid (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity (EC), etc) were analyzed in-situ while heavy metals (cadmium. Lead and copper) were analyzed using AAS. Similarly, some health risk analyses were estimated (contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI), geo-accumulation index (Igeo, estimated daily intake (EDI), potential ecological risk index (PERI), hazard index (HI), total target hazard quotient (TTHQ), etc). The mean value of physico-chemicals were pH, 7.522±0.084-7.566 ± 0.088; TDS, 7573.700±235.833mg/l -7931.200 ± 222.808mg/L; EC, 14179.000±684.294μs/cm-15268.200 ± 549.977μs/cm, DO (6.936±0.311mg/L-7.200 ± 0.320mg/L) and temperature (29.180±0.2800C-29.470 ± 0.3040C). Heavy metals results include; surface water; Cd (0.00-0.02mg/L), Pb (0.02-0.07mg/L) and Cu (0.02-3.95mg/L). Sediment; Cd (0.01 to 0.32mg/kg), Pb (0.11- 4.16mg/kg), and Cu (0.08 -14.58mg/kg). Periwinkle; Cd (0.00 to 0.22mg/kg), Pb (0.00- 0.21mg/kg), and Cu (0.00 -12.60mg/kg). WQI was 84.286 - 95.201 (dry season) and 87.559 -89.776 (wet season). CF were Cd, 0.183-0.278 (wet); 0.010 -0.248 (dry); Pb, 0.022-0.026 (wet), 0.027-0.035 (dry); Cu, 0.002 (wet) and 0.106-0.113 (dry). PLI was 0.297-1.404 (wet) and 0.393-2.216 (dry season). Igeo were; Pb 0.004-0.007; Cd, 0.032-0.056 and Cu 0.004-0.023. PERI was 5.467-8.484. EDI sequence were Cu>Pb>Cd, Cu>Pb>Cd and Cu>Cd>Pb for surface water, sediment and periwinkle respectively. HI were 1.146-2.802; 44712.21- 81245.36 and 0.024-0.715 for surface water, sediment and periwinkle respectively. TTHQ ranged between 0.16-1.11; 15.982-29.040 and 0.149-11.000 for surface water, sediment and periwinkle respectively. Cancer Risk ranged between 0.006-0.325 across the samples. The high water quality index observed indicates a highly polluted environment, also, there is very high possibility of cancer risk from the study area via ingestion of surface water, periwinkle and exposure to the sediment in the study area.

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Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Chimezie Okonu, Bernard B. Babatunde, Aroloye O. Numbere, Emoyoma Udi. (2024-11-26). "Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment of Sediment, Periwinkle and Water in Bodo Creek, Niger Delta Nigeria." *Volume 6*, 2, 56-72