Examining Consumer Perception on Alcoholic Brands - A Case Study of Guinness Cameroon Sa and Les Brass series Du Cameroun Alcoholic Brands in Fako Division

Author Details

Evaristus Nyong Abam, Dr. Tanyi Bedolf Epey

Journal Details


Published: 16 September 2019 | Article Type :


Keeping your employees motivated is the key to delivering great service that keeps customers coming back to your business, regardless of which industry you operate in and thus giving the business the time needed to develop its brand awareness. In most cases, this process does not happen overnight while the ultimate goal is for the company to identify the success level of brand awareness campaigns, the business should always continue to appreciate and track even the slightest progress. Customers of your products and services need to ask honest opinion of the goods and services you and your organisation provide and organisations and individuals that want to get ahead of their competitors and succeed must be those businesses that are prepared to meet regularly with their employees and appraise performance levels as well as getting feedback about their customers and especially what they want. This is one of the most single attribute that differentiates your brand from that of your competitors and this as perceived by your consumers. Every brand has a story to tell and how well you tell it will give your customers a reason to believe in your employees and come back to buy your brand or prefer your brand to those of your competitors. Guinness Cameroon SA and les brass series du Cameroun Ltd, these two brewery companies that deals in both alcoholic as well as non-alcholoic brands put a lot of effort and time to tell their own side of the story to their customers in an effort to woe them to selecting their products over those of their competitors.

Keywords: brand, consumer, consumer perception, customer, customer service.

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How to Cite


Evaristus Nyong Abam, Dr. Tanyi Bedolf Epey. (2019-09-16). "Examining Consumer Perception on Alcoholic Brands - A Case Study of Guinness Cameroon Sa and Les Brass series Du Cameroun Alcoholic Brands in Fako Division." *Volume 2*, 3, 39-41