Towards Integrating the Barriers between GIS and Cartography: Applications in 21st Century in Low Technology Based Nigeria

Author Details

Kankara, I. A

Journal Details


Published: 4 November 2019 | Article Type :


GIS is a scientific discipline developed much more recently as a comprehensive computer application for performing a wide range of functions on geographic data to overtake the long standing discipline, Cartography. Both have developed and published strongly overlapping research agendas in recent years, and a comparison makes interesting reading, for both the similarities and the differences. Both emphasize representation. This paper discusses some of the similarities and further stretches why the two need to be brought together for continuing research on how to extend existing methods to capture phenomena that are complex, dynamic, especially the three-dimensional issues The methodology adopted for the study were mainly secondary data gathered during Laboratory works with students of Tertiary levels at different periods. Recommendations were then offered on the need to integrate the two for better and enhanced digital map production.

Keywords: GIS, Cartography, 21st Century, Low Technology, Nigeria.

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How to Cite


Kankara, I. A. (2019-11-04). "Towards Integrating the Barriers between GIS and Cartography: Applications in 21st Century in Low Technology Based Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 4, 14-21