Econometric Analysis of Air Cargo Throughputs in Nigeria

Author Details

Ayantoyinbo, Benedict B. (Ph.D); & Oladun, Emmanuel A*

Journal Details


Published: 28 May 2020 | Article Type :


In the millennium era, there has been a huge increase in the number of air freight throughputs in Nigeria  despite the increasing fare on freight shipment. In a situation whereby a region has vibrant airport, such region is opened to increase competitiveness. The concern for this study is the economic perspective. The study aimed at examining the econometric analysis of air cargo freight in Nigeria. The studyadopted a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics, and it relied on information obtained from secondary  sources especially published relevant government institutions and agencies in Nigeria. Econometric model  was employed to estimate the contributions of air cargo throughputs on the economy. Observatory data were  gathered on international and domestic air cargo throughputs between year 2009 and 2018 (10 years). Also,  observatory data were collected on GDP and GNI between the same periods. The study found a strong and  positive causal relationship between the air cargo throughputs and the economic indices. Air cargo  throughputs contribute little to GNI and GDP by 31.5 percent. It is therefore recommended that there should  be better policies that will encourage air cargo movement in Nigeria.

Keywords: econometric model; air cargo; throughputs; GNI; GDP.

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How to Cite


Ayantoyinbo, Benedict B. (Ph.D); & Oladun, Emmanuel A*. (2020-05-28). "Econometric Analysis of Air Cargo Throughputs in Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 3, 1-6