On the Banks of the Great River

Author Details

Wolfgang Lederer

Journal Details


Published: 14 February 2025 | Article Type : Review Article


Life is mysterious and the cabalistic caducity of life is predetermined. The limited human imagination and the small space for decision-making seem to be of secondary importance as long as the enthusiasm prevails and the liveliness of young age. Gaining perspective and calmness one may start to distinguish between what is essential (that should be taken seriously) and what is merely important (that should be considered). When growing old the values and views might change and the quality of being perishable becomes more aware. In classical mythology the river is seen as an allegory for life. The flow of water in a river symbolizes the unstoppable flow of time, the finiteness of being and its transience. The river is a metaphor for a predetermined direction of progression. Within an eternal cycle the occurrence of new existence and extinction, of creation and decay is harmonically balanced. Nothing is lost.

Keywords: Phenomenology, Philosophy, Reality Perception, Religious Philosophies, Sociology.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Review Article

How to Cite


Wolfgang Lederer. (2025-02-14). "On the Banks of the Great River." *Volume 7*, 1, 1-4