Medical Ethics Prototype for Artificial Intelligence Ethics

Author Details

Nikolaos M. Siafakas

Journal Details


Published: 12 December 2023 | Article Type : Short Communication


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most rapidly advancing science affecting almost all human activities but in the future, it could be a significant threat to Humanity. One way to avoid AI turning against humans is to introduce Ethics and Moral rules into AI science. As Medical Ethics is the best example of human ethics, it is proposed it could be a prototype for the development of AI ethics. A first step could be the establishment of a Hippocratic-like oath for AI scientists, complementary to the development of an internationally accepted Code of Ethical Actions and the establishment of Ethical Committees for AI. In an analogous way to Medicine, this proposal could enhance morality beyond biological consciousness into the future machines.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Algorithm, Morals, Ethic Codes, Ethic Committee, Medical Ethics.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Short Communication

How to Cite


Nikolaos M. Siafakas. (2023-12-12). "Medical Ethics Prototype for Artificial Intelligence Ethics." *Volume 5*, 2, 1-3