Questioning the Central Concept of Reification and Ontology of Human Dignity

Author Details

Ibekwe Ephraim Udochukwu

Journal Details


Published: 26 June 2019 | Article Type :


Reification designates a form of social consciousness. Here human relations as noted by Marx are identified with the idea behind the physical properties of material things. Hence, is regarded as natural and thus inevitable. This article centers on the systematic reconstruction of Marx's theory of reification in relation with the ontology of human dignity by so doing one attends to the value of significance, where the human person as an end itself is respected and valued even without material attachment. In this article, Marx's concept of reification is seen as the model for a more general theory of ideology

Keywords: Reification, Ontology and Human Dignity.

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How to Cite


Ibekwe Ephraim Udochukwu. (2019-06-26). "Questioning the Central Concept of Reification and Ontology of Human Dignity." *Volume 1*, 2, 39-47