The Construction of Prophetic Development Paradigm: A Poverty and Impoverishment Resolution

Author Details

Peribadi, Tanzil, Juhaepa, Muh. Rusli

Journal Details


Published: 7 January 2019 | Article Type :


This paper is one part of a critical review sourced from dissertation of writer on "Reconstruction of Participatory Paradigm Based on ESQ Power (2015b).In this context, the discussion was focused on the critical analysis to result of paradigmatic formulation. The research was developed through a methodology discourse with approaches: (1) a deductive interpretive phenomenology referred to Raimun Karl Popper (Muhadjir, 2011); (2) a case study referred to Yin (2008); and (3) "member checks" procedures meant by Denzin (2009). The results showed an ideal formulation with the purpose of synthesizing the community based participatory developmental paradigm with the Prophetic based paradigm charater building. The result of this paradigmatic grand design could be used to generate the actor of development having personal and social strengthin running the poverty reduction programs.

Keywords: Paradigm, Prophetic, Construction, Development and Poverty.

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How to Cite


Peribadi, Tanzil, Juhaepa, Muh. Rusli. (2019-01-07). "The Construction of Prophetic Development Paradigm: A Poverty and Impoverishment Resolution." *Volume 1*, 1, 1-12