An Exploration of the Institutionalization of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in South African Municipalities
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Published: 7 December 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is an era that is upon every country and will invariably change the technological and digital interconnectedness of the world. It therefore becomes inevitable that all countries regardless of their shape, size and stage of development should embrace the 4IR. Similarly, municipalities do not have a choice but to embrace the 4IR if they want to be technologically and digitally relevant and be on par with the rest of municipalities globally. It is for this reason that the study explored the institutionalization of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in South African Municipalities. The study looked at the theoretical perspectives on the 4IR with specific reference to the benefits, challenges and drivers of the 4IR. Qualitative research methodology was employed where a sample of 30 senior managers were selected across South African municipalities and were interviewed according to their specific municipal functions. Responses to interviews were coded and categorized to eight (8) themes. The study concluded that all municipalities should embrace the 4IR. It further recommended that they should invest in technological infrastructure, digital tools and learning programmes for both the staff (and councillors) and communities to prepare them for the 4IR.
Keywords: Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Technology, Technological Infrastructure, Digitalization, Digital Competencies, Broadband, Connectivity, Fifth Generation (5G).

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How to Cite
Mpilo Ngubane. (2020-12-07). "An Exploration of the Institutionalization of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in South African Municipalities." *Volume 2*, 4, 44-56