Employee Stressors and Wellbeing of Healthcare Workers in Government owned Hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria

Author Details

Angioha, Pius U., Omang, Thomas A., et. al

Journal Details


Published: 20 November 2020 | Article Type :


The study examines the correlation between Employee Stressors such as working overtime, workload and wellbeing of Healthcare Workers in Government owned Hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria. using the descriptive quantitative cross-sectional design, data were collected from 650 participants randomly selected from a population of 3774 working in two tertiary government-owned hospitals in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. the sample size was determined using the Survey Monkey sample size determinant calculator. Data was collected using a self-developed structured questionnaire. data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Result revealed that working overtime significant relates to the wellbeing of health workers (calculated r-value of 0.38 ‹critical r-value of 0.112). Findings also revealed a significant correlation between workload and the wellbeing of health workers (calculated R-value of 0.29 ‹ critical R-value of 0.113). Base on this finding, there is a need for educational programs and workshops that is aimed at promoting a healthy work environment as well as healthy lifestyle and behaviour among health workers.

Keywords: Employee Stressors, working overtime, workload, wellbeing, healthcare workers.

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How to Cite


Angioha, Pius U., Omang, Thomas A., et. al. (2020-11-20). "Employee Stressors and Wellbeing of Healthcare Workers in Government owned Hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 4, 36-43