Performance and Effectiveness of the Anti-Corruption Commission in Bangladesh
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Published: 30 October 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The purpose of this study is to analysis the performance and effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Commission in combating corruption in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a developing country with various types of problem. Among these problems, corruption is the most important. From the very beginning it has deep roots in the society. It affects socio-economic and political development of a country. According to the report of Transparency international Bangladesh is marked as a corrupt country for five consecutive years. Finally the Anti-Corruption Commission replaced BAC as autonomous body. So this study tries to assess the success or failure of the Anti- Corruption Commission (ACC) to fight against the corruption of Bangladesh. The extensive findings of the study shows that though ACC created to reduce corruption from Bangladesh but it could not fulfill its aim and objectives properly because of some influencing factors and challenges like political influence, insufficient manpower, lack of integrity, transparency, accountability, lack of independence etc .At present the commission takes many initiatives to prevent corruption and being more efficient but still there have some lacking in performance because of their tardiness. Considering the present situation this study tries to develop some prospective recommendations for making ACC more effective and independent.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Corruption, Bangladesh anti- corruption commission, Anti- Corruption Commission.

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How to Cite
Md. Hashem Reza, Kamrun Nahar Jharna, Md. Nasir Uddin. (2020-10-30). "Performance and Effectiveness of the Anti-Corruption Commission in Bangladesh." *Volume 2*, 4, 13-24