The Effect of Political Environment on Service Delivery: A Study of Political Instability, Patronage and Factionalism in a Municipal Environment

Author Details

Vuyiwe Tsako

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Published: 13 July 2020 | Article Type :


The study of Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) uncovered the association of IGR functionality with political environment and looks at factors such as political patronage and instability as impacting on the service delivery environment (Tsako, 2018). This paper extends on these current findings and introduce the concept of factionalism as another aspectthat affects service delivery. Further consideration is at how service delivery is affected by political instability, patronage and factionalism. A qualitative study was conducted in KZN district municipalities, which highlighted the impact that political instability and patronage has in achieving the objectives of IGR – that of ensuring cooperation on the delivery of services to the community. This articles’ approach is exploratory and further describes the effect of these factors on the municipal environment, generally. Conclusions are drawn on four aspects, that whilst political environment is often perceived to be outside of management’s control, making it difficult to define, predict, and align with objectives, political instability is characterised by intra-political fightings, that have a negative impact on service delivery. It could be summed up that in their efforts to secure political careers, people would seek support from party colleagues and patronage promises and this building minimum winning coalition inside parties – leading to predictable patterns of factionalism and this demonstrates linkages between factionalism and political patronage. The repercussions are that, all those who were in coalition to support would expect to be rewarded whether with senior positions or tenders. The association of political patronage with factionalism cannot be over-emphasised, as this results in killings, poor service delivery, burning of tyres and government buildings and barricaded roads. Recommendations highlights that the local government system of philosophy should depart from what matters the most – the objects of local government and be imparted by the role of those who are in leadership positions, whether it support or counter the required beliefs. Whilst political patronage in a form of cadre deployment is not discouraged, the fundamental issue - that of political education, could serve as an instrument to instil the required values, attitudes and behaviours and leading to improved service delivery amongst cadres (both political and administrative), however provision of the legislation should be strictly adhered to.

Key words: Political patronage, Political instability, Factionalism, intra-party politics.

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How to Cite


Vuyiwe Tsako. (2020-07-13). "The Effect of Political Environment on Service Delivery: A Study of Political Instability, Patronage and Factionalism in a Municipal Environment." *Volume 2*, 3, 6-18