Women Empowerment in Decision Making at Household Activities: A Case Study on Dashkahunia and Verchi
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Published: 3 April 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The main motive of this study is to know the participation of women in decision making at household activities and how their participation contribute to women empowerment. The study was conducted to measure the contribution of women to their household activities in decision making process. The study was carried out two villages of Keshabpur upazila of Jessore zilla. Necessary data were collected from the predetermined standard questionnaire by personal interviewing of both of men and women of the family.The results of the study showed that the pattern of women’s empowerment at household activities has been changed day by day. The study will help to know the real participation of women in decision making at household activities. This study is also the manifest of how women empowerment is improving in rural areas like, Verchi and Dashkahuni. The study was guided by some objectives: To determine the present conditions of women’s empowerment in rural areas like Dashkahunia and Verchi, to identify the participation rate in decision making process at household activities and how can be improved their participation in decision making process. The target population for the study comprises 55.
Keywords: Women empowerment, household activities, decision making power.

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How to Cite
Md. Nasir Uddin, Rehanuma Tabasum, Md. Hashem Reza. (2020-04-03). "Women Empowerment in Decision Making at Household Activities: A Case Study on Dashkahunia and Verchi." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-7