Violence against Women in Bangladesh: An Overview
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Published: 9 March 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Violence against women is an alarming issue worldwide. In Bangladesh, women are easy targets of violence because of the patriarchal social system, economic backwardness, traditional norms and values and religious misinterpretation. The government of Bangladesh has revised the existing laws and adopted new strategies to combat violence against women. However, violence against women remains an alarming issue due to loopholes in the laws. In addition, corruption, lack of awareness, traditional mind-sets of people exacerbate the problem. This paper aims toexplore the current status of violence against women in Bangladesh and describes the laws and strategies adopted by the government of Bangladesh to combat violence against women based on secondary materials like books, articles, reports, newspapers etc. Finally, the study suggests some policy recommendations to deal with the issue of violence.
Keywords: Bangladesh, government, laws, strategy, violence, women.

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How to Cite
Fardaus Ara. (2020-03-09). "Violence against Women in Bangladesh: An Overview." *Volume 2*, 1, 24-30