The Operations need to Related to the Official Administrative Secretary of the World's Global Integration
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Published: 23 October 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
In agencies, organizations and businesses, the Executive Room is an indispensable part. This is considered the headquarters of an agency, organization, door to work and welcome guests. All activities within agencies and organizations are operated and governed by the administrative department. Therefore, when the administrative office is in good working condition, it will bring both agencies and organizations to operate effectively. But in order for the administrative department to work well, the core factor of that decision is those who work in office administration. From the leadership level to the employees, they are all versatile, multi-talented people who can well perform their functions and roles in the administrative room. In it, it is impossible not to mention the role of the office administrative secretary.
In each agency, the office administrative secretary plays a very important role, is the second face after leadership. Therefore, in order to assert their role and to help office administration today, they need to have the necessary skills and skills for office work. However, because of the nature of the work of each unit is different, because each person has his or her own skills but their ways of doing things are different. But no matter what position they are, they must accumulate and cultivate for themselves a certain knowledge and skill to take care of the job, to seize the opportunity, to successfully master.
Keywords: Office administration, office administration, secretary, administrative operations, office clerical professional.

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How to Cite
Dr. Nguyen Thi Hang. (2019-10-23). "The Operations need to Related to the Official Administrative Secretary of the World's Global Integration." *Volume 1*, 4, 7-12