An Economic Study on Fashion Design and Fashion Culture
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Published: 10 June 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Although the practice of fashion design has a long history, research into the fashion/textile design process is recent. The fashion design process can be studied from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. For this study I examine the relationship of fashion designers’ cultural values and personal experiences and the process of creativity in their design process. This study expands knowledge of how cultural values, personal experiences and creativity of designers are related to the fashion designers’ creative practices and processes. As we all know, the relationship between fashion and design is very delicate. These two concepts have a lot in common in terms of group, timeliness and commerciality. This paper discusses the issue of fashion culture and fashion design. Fashion design has become the frontier carrier of fashion culture; fashion culture and fashion design also influence each other, fashion culture promotes the orientation of fashion design style.
Keywords: Designer as host, Inside-out, Outside-in Costume Design, Fashion Culture, Inter community, Mutual Influence, Promote. Cultures of resilience.

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How to Cite
Dr. R.SEENIVASAN. (2019-06-10). "An Economic Study on Fashion Design and Fashion Culture." *Volume 1*, 2, 50-57