New Public Management and Digital Era Governance Approaches in Function of Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector
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Published: 27 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Entrepreneurship in the private sector is one of the main pillars for promoting economic development in theory but more important in the practice. Without entrepreneurial behavior of the individuals and organizations we cannot speak about achieving any income and profit. In other words, entrepreneurs are people that are moving the whole economy forward by creating new values in the products and services that they produce and deliver to the final consumers. Besides the private sector entrepreneurship, in the last few decades the concept of entrepreneurship was becoming very popular among public sector officials, public sector theoreticians and practitioners. Thus, the goal of the research in this paper is the analysis of the concept of public sector entrepreneurship and the role of the New Public Management and Digital Era Governance paradigm in developing and promoting the concept of entrepreneurship in the public sector. The main methods that will be employed are historical method and content analysis of various researches in the past about the New Public Management, Digital Era Governance and public sector entrepreneurship. The results point to many facts about the inter-relationships between these three concepts and their great role for the development of entrepreneurship in the public sector. The results point to many conclusions about the real implementation of paradigms and the success of implementing entrepreneurship in the public sector.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, public sector, New Public Management, Digital Era Governance, public management value.

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How to Cite
Branko Dimeski. (2019-03-27). "New Public Management and Digital Era Governance Approaches in Function of Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector." *Volume 1*, 1, 48-54