Vitamin D3 Level in Patients with Random Respiratory Symptoms in Khulna, Bangladesh

Author Details

Dr. Shahad Rashid Mohammad Saiful Aziz, Dr. Anjuman Ara, Dr. Anika Tabassum Aziz

Journal Details


Published: 16 April 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


Introduction: Common respiratory symptoms like coughing and shortness of breath indicate lung health, with conditions like chronic bronchitis and wheezing affecting millions. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent and linked to respiratory infections, although conclusive evidence from clinical trials is lacking.

Aim of the Study: This study aims to investigate the relationship between vitamin D3 levels and the severity of random respiratory symptoms.

Methods: A retrospective cohort study conducted at the Department of Respiratory Medicine in Khulna Medical College and Hospital, Khulna, Bangladesh, enrolled 122 patients with respiratory symptoms. Consent was obtained from participants, who were divided into vitamin D insufficiency (below 30ng/mL) and sufficiency (above 30 ng/mL) groups. Inclusion criteria comprised individuals over 15 years with respiratory symptoms, while exclusion criteria included lack of consent, hypersensitivity to vitamin D3, and contraindicated pathologies. Data were analyzed using SPSS and presented in tables and graphs for clarity.

Results: The study involved 122 patients divided into two groups based on their vitamin D3 levels. The majority had levels below 30ng/mL (91.80%), with the remaining (8.20%) above this threshold. Age distribution varied, with most below 30ng/mL falling in the 26-50 range, while those above were more evenly spread. Females dominated the below 30ng/mL category, whereas males were more prevalent above. Urban residents were less likely to have levels above 30ng/mL, while rural residents were higher below. The correlation between random respiratory symptoms and vitamin D3 levels showed various chronic pain symptoms prevalent in those below 30ng/mL.

Conclusion: The study highlights a significant association between vitamin D3 levels and random respiratory symptoms. Patients with vitamin D3 levels above 30 ng/mL exhibited various respiratory symptoms, suggesting a potential correlation between vitamin D sufficiency/insufficiency and lung function.

Keywords: Vitamin d3, Insufficiency, Sufficiency and Random Respiratory Symptoms.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Dr. Shahad Rashid Mohammad Saiful Aziz, Dr. Anjuman Ara, Dr. Anika Tabassum Aziz. (2024-04-16). "Vitamin D3 Level in Patients with Random Respiratory Symptoms in Khulna, Bangladesh." *Volume 7*, 1, 11-15