Surgical Therapies of the COPD

Author Details

Vasileios Spyropoulos, Agathi Spiropoulou, Georgia Spyropoulou, Dimosthenis Lykouras, Kiriakos Karkoulias, Kostas Spiropoulos

Journal Details


Published: 24 May 2023 | Article Type : Research Article


The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) includes specific details with chronic bronchitis and emphysematous pneumonic pathology. There are also asthma characteristic lesions that produce “chronic asthmatic bronchitis”. The main reason for this case, is smoking. The pathoanatomical abnormalities in COPD lead to disturbances in the ventilation/perfusion (v/q) ratio, leading to respiratory failure and hypoxemia. Furthermore, as the lungs over expand, respiratory remodeling leads to hypoventilation and respiratory failure II and hypercapnia. The treatment consists of medicines that are inhaled or taken from the body. In severe COPD cases where conventional therapeutic interventions have failed, satisfactory results are often achieved using novel intervention techniques. These are a) Bronchoscopic Thurmol Vapor Ablation (BTBA), b) Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS), c) Targeted Lung Conservation (TLD), d) Stem Cell Therapy, e) Lung Transplantation.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Vasileios Spyropoulos, Agathi Spiropoulou, Georgia Spyropoulou, Dimosthenis Lykouras, Kiriakos Karkoulias, Kostas Spiropoulos. (2023-05-24). "Surgical Therapies of the COPD." *Volume 6*, 1, 1-9