A Perspective of Geriatrics vs Aging as a Social Problem in Asia: A Sociological Analysis

Author Details

Dr. Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi

Journal Details


Published: 23 April 2019 | Article Type :


The article explores how aging is highly related with geriatrics. From the year 2000 Asian countries have gradually moved towards aging, and the new experience has been very problematic for many of these countries that lacks geriatrics. Activities in family planning since 1950s have culminated in increase of aging population within many Asian countries. Such a change has created increasing problems for the aging people in many parts of Asia. The article tries to represent an image of the shortcomings and lack of services as far as the aging people in Asia are concerned. Based on predictions, Asia’s aging people will undoubtedly increase in the decades to come. Under such circumstances geriatrics can widely help to solve the problem.

Keywords: Geriatrics. Aging. Asia. Population change. Family planning.

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How to Cite


Dr. Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi. (2019-04-23). "A Perspective of Geriatrics vs Aging as a Social Problem in Asia: A Sociological Analysis." *Volume 2*, 1, 3-13