Ocular Morbidity in Chronic Kidney Disease at the Departmental Teaching Hospital of Borgou and Alibori (Benin)
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Published: 30 January 2025 | Article Type : Research ArticleAbstract
Background: Ocular diseases in chronic kidney disease patients are frequent. The aim was to study ocular morbidity during chronic kidney disease at the departmental teaching hospital of Borgou and Alibori (CHUD-B/A) of Benin in 2019
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in the Ophthalmology and Nephrology departments of CHUD-B/A from 08 May to 08 September 2019 and concerned all chronic kidney patients followed up in the Nephrology department who had consented. Non-probability sampling with exhaustive enumeration of patients was carried out. A multiple logistic regression model with a threshold of 5% was used to identify factors associated with occular diseases.
Results: A total of 50 patients (100 eyes) were included. The sex ratio was 1.38 and 66% were aged 40 or over. 88% of the eyes examined had at least one ocular condition. Among the eyes examined, 23% had cataracts, 9% had ocular hypertonia, 4% had corneal damage, 47% had hypertensive retinopathy, 4.26% of which was Kirkendall stage 3, 10% had diabetic retinopathy, 30% of which was complicated proliferative retinopathy, 8% had glaucomatous optic neuropathy and 8% had non-glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Dialysis, hyperuraemia, and the stage and age of chronic kidney disease were associated with the occurrence of hypertensive retinopathy.
Conclusion: Ocular diseases are dominated by the ocular complications of arterial hypertension and diabetes. They can be prevented by early detection.
Keywords: Eye Diseases, Chronic Kidney Disease, Retinopathy, Benin.

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Research Article
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Séraphin Ahoui, Amadou Alfa Bio Issifou, Codjo RA Assavedo, Crédo L.A. Zomahoun, Aimé M Vinasse, Evariste Eteka, Nicanor S Houeto, Salimatou Monteiro, Jacques Vigan. (2025-01-30). "Ocular Morbidity in Chronic Kidney Disease at the Departmental Teaching Hospital of Borgou and Alibori (Benin)." *Volume 7*, 1, 20-29