Ocular Morbidity in Chronic Kidney Disease at the Departmental Teaching Hospital of Borgou and Alibori (Benin)

Author Details

Séraphin Ahoui, Amadou Alfa Bio Issifou, Codjo RA Assavedo, Crédo L.A. Zomahoun, Aimé M Vinasse, Evariste Eteka, Nicanor S Houeto, Salimatou Monteiro, Jacques Vigan

Journal Details


Published: 30 January 2025 | Article Type : Research Article


Background: Ocular diseases in chronic kidney disease patients are frequent. The aim was to study ocular morbidity during chronic kidney disease at the departmental teaching hospital of Borgou and Alibori (CHUD-B/A) of Benin in 2019

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in the Ophthalmology and Nephrology departments of CHUD-B/A from 08 May to 08 September 2019 and concerned all chronic kidney patients followed up in the Nephrology department who had consented. Non-probability sampling with exhaustive enumeration of patients was carried out. A multiple logistic regression model with a threshold of 5% was used to identify factors associated with occular diseases.

Results: A total of 50 patients (100 eyes) were included. The sex ratio was 1.38 and 66% were aged 40 or over. 88% of the eyes examined had at least one ocular condition. Among the eyes examined, 23% had cataracts, 9% had ocular hypertonia, 4% had corneal damage, 47% had hypertensive retinopathy, 4.26% of which was Kirkendall stage 3, 10% had diabetic retinopathy, 30% of which was complicated proliferative retinopathy, 8% had glaucomatous optic neuropathy and 8% had non-glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Dialysis, hyperuraemia, and the stage and age of chronic kidney disease were associated with the occurrence of hypertensive retinopathy.

Conclusion: Ocular diseases are dominated by the ocular complications of arterial hypertension and diabetes. They can be prevented by early detection.

Keywords: Eye Diseases, Chronic Kidney Disease, Retinopathy, Benin.

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Research Article

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Séraphin Ahoui, Amadou Alfa Bio Issifou, Codjo RA Assavedo, Crédo L.A. Zomahoun, Aimé M Vinasse, Evariste Eteka, Nicanor S Houeto, Salimatou Monteiro, Jacques Vigan. (2025-01-30). "Ocular Morbidity in Chronic Kidney Disease at the Departmental Teaching Hospital of Borgou and Alibori (Benin)." *Volume 7*, 1, 20-29