Event Marketing in Nigeria and the Current Security Challenges: Matters Arising

Author Details

Ayozie*, Daniel Ogechukwu

Journal Details


Published: 30 January 2020 | Article Type :


Current security challenges especially violent kidnapping, violent armed robbery, terrorism and extreme religious fanatism, armed banditry, ethnic militias and the likes have made event organizing and marketing impossible in Nigeria. Security means the protection and preservation of all that the society considers to be important and valuable. It includes the conditions of life that are healthful and satisfying to all members of a given society. Human security involves safety for people from both violent and non-violent threats. It is a condition or state of being characterised by freedom from persuasive threats to people’s rights, their safety or even their risks. It also considers taking preventive measures to reduce vulnerability and reduce risk and taking remedial action where prevention fails. Event marketing which is a form of brand promotion that ties a brand to a meaningful athletic entertainment, cultural, social or other types of high interest public activity is growing rapidly in Nigeria, because it provides companies some alternatives to the clustered mass media especially of advertising and sales promotion and an ability to segment on a local, regional or national basis, and opportunities for reaching out to customers style groups whose consumptions behaviour can be linked with the marketing event. This can only take place in an atmosphere of peace, where both the producers and consumers can interact freely devoid of any harassment.

Keywords: Event Marketing, Security, Human Security, National Security, Event Sponsorship.

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How to Cite


Ayozie*, Daniel Ogechukwu. (2020-01-30). "Event Marketing in Nigeria and the Current Security Challenges: Matters Arising." *Volume 3*, 1, 15-24