Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Ovarian Function: New Hope for Infertility

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Dr. Brinderjeet Kaur

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Published: 12 May 2020 | Article Type :


The important breakthrough in the recent past has been the use of Platelet –rich plasma (PRP) as a non operative option for a wide spectrum of medical disorders. This autologus PRP is derived from an individual’s whole blood after centrifugation, the process that separates red blood cells from plasma. Plasma has a 5- to 10 fold higher concentration of growth factors than whole blood. These growth factors have been found to promote the natural regenerative and healing process by researches across multiple specialties with decent success. There has been a recent introduction of the use of PRP in gynecology especially in cases of infertility. The literature studies on this aspect of management of infertility are although limited. We conducted a thorough literature search for its application as a potential therapeutic agent for infertility in the mini review. The use of PRP for infertility in developing country like India could be promising as it is cost effective and within the reach of majority of population. The issue needs deliberation from practicing Obstetrician - gynecologists so that PRP as a treatment for infertility could be offered.

Keywords: Platelet–rich plasma (PRP), Infertility, gynecologist.

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How to Cite


Dr. Brinderjeet Kaur. (2020-05-12). "Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Ovarian Function: New Hope for Infertility." *Volume 3*, 1, 4-10