Prognosis of Deliveries at the Regional Hospital of Saint Louis
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Published: 3 September 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Few studies on the prognosis of cerebral uterine deliveries have been conducted in Senegal, particularly in the northern region of Senegal. To this end, we conducted a prospective study, whose purpose is to evaluate deliveries on scar uterus and improve care.
Methodology: This prospective descriptive cross-sectional study, which was conducted at the maternity ward of the Saint Louis Regional Hospital Center, was conducted from January 1st to July 31st, 2017.
Results: The deliveries on scar uterus accounted for 155 cases out of 2658 deliveries at the maternity ward of the Saint Louis Regional Hospital during the study period, a prevalence of 6%. The dominant age group was 25-32 years old. The average age was 28.9 years with extremes ranging from 20 to 41 years old.
We had a caesarean section rate of 52.3% and 47.7% vaginal delivery, of which 70.7% spontaneously expelled and 29.3% had a suction cup.
Caesarean section indications were mainly of maternal and adnexal origin, with 91.1% and 8.9% respectively. We had a bleeding hemorrhage of 9.7% and a dehiscence of the old scar 14% after a vaginal delivery.An intraoperative complication was noted of type sensory block deficit, resulting in a pain sensation peroperatively. In the immediate post operative period, post-cesarean peritonitis was noted. We had no maternal deaths. 2.3% of neonatal deaths were recorded during the study.
Conclusion: Progress remains to be made in the management of scar uteri deliveries. The materno-fetal prognosis may be improved by systematic and early reference of patients to the referral center.
Keywords: Cesarean section, cicatricial uterus, maternal mortality.

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How to Cite
Ousmane Thiam, Sherif Cheikh Tourade Sarr, Djibryl Bahaid Sow, Sara Ndiaye. (2019-09-03). "Prognosis of Deliveries at the Regional Hospital of Saint Louis." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-8