Hyperprolactinaemia: A Monster Between the Woman and Her Conception

Author Details

Seriki A. Samuel, Odetola O. Anthony

Journal Details


Published: 17 December 2018 | Article Type :


Hyperprolactinaemia is the presence of abnormally high levels of prolactin in the blood. Normal levels are less than 5000 ml U/L [20ng/mL or µg/L] for women, and less than 450 ml U/L for men.Prolactin is a peptide hormone produced by the adenohypophysis (also called anterior pituitary) that is primarily associated with milk production and plays a vital role in breast development during pregnancy. Hyperprolactinaemia may cause galactorrhea (production and sp; ontaneous ejection of breast milk without pregnancy or childbirth). It also alters/disrupts the normal menstrual cycle in women. In other women, menstruation may cease completely, resulting in infertility. In the man, it could causeerectile dysfunction.The present study is to review the pathophysiology of the abnormality in the woman, and how it relates to the functioning of the hypothalamohypophyseal-gonadal system. The article also looks at the effect of hyperprolactinaemia on the fertility of the woman, and attempts to proffer non-surgical remedy to the condition.

Keywords: Galactorrhea, adenohypophysis,hypoestrogenism,prolactinoma, amenorrhoea, macroprolactin, microprolactin.

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How to Cite


Seriki A. Samuel, Odetola O. Anthony. (2018-12-17). "Hyperprolactinaemia: A Monster Between the Woman and Her Conception." *Volume 1*, 2, 61-67