Impact of Uropathogenic Microorganisms on Mouse Spermatozoa: An in Vitro Study

Author Details

Kalpana Rana, Harpreet Vander, Deepali Thaper, Aditi Chauhan, Vijay Prabha

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Published: 13 December 2018 | Article Type :


The effect of bacteriospermia on sperm quality is in the field of debate due to scarcity of related pertinent information hence, the present study attempts to elucidate the impact of various microorganisms found in male urogenital tract on mouse sperm parameters. In vitro impact of seven uropathogens on mouse sperm parameters viz. motility, viability, morphology, Mg2+dependent ATPase activity and acrosome reaction was evaluated. The results revealed that out of seven uropathogenic microorganisms, five strains i.e. S. marcescens, E. aerogenes, K. pneumoniae, E. coli and S. aureus could negatively alter sperm parameters and cause sperm immobilization via agglutination. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that these strains could successfully adhere to spermatozoa and led to numerous morphological alterations. These strains significantly reduced the Mg2+dependent ATPase activity and caused premature acrosomal loss. These uropathogenic strains were also able to cause 100% sperm death. Whereas, remaining two strains i.e. P. mirabilis and S. pyogenesdid not result in any negative influence on sperm parameters viz. motility, viability, morphology, Mg2+dependent ATPase activity and acrosome reaction. Hence, this study demonstrates that the presence of these uropathogens in male genitourinary tract or as a contamination in semen can significantly affect the sperm parameters and hence, negatively affect the fertility status.

Keywords: Uropathogens, Spermatozoa, agglutination, scanning electron microscopy, Mg2+ATPase, acrosome reaction.

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Kalpana Rana, Harpreet Vander, Deepali Thaper, Aditi Chauhan, Vijay Prabha. (2018-12-13). "Impact of Uropathogenic Microorganisms on Mouse Spermatozoa: An in Vitro Study." *Volume 1*, 2, 51-60