Holistic View of Entrepreneurship in Practice in a Multinational Enterprise

Author Details

Joel Bigley

Journal Details


Published: 1 November 2018 | Article Type :


Entrepreneurism in practice is pervasive in a multinational organization that wishes to survive in a dynamic market. Interplay between functional areas, product management, operations management and client management allow for collaborative behavioral dimensions to emerge. Given a global supply chain, how does a collaborative entrepreneurial endeavor span time and space to locate and exploit opportunities at optimal cost while meeting client expectations? To answer this question and provide a more ontological view of entrepreneurship in practice in a multinational organizational structure, the author showsthrough a case study that an MNE can realize growth and be agile in spite of its size.In fact, its size is an asset if the actions are coordinated and guided. The author adds to theory by establishing propositions for growth by leveraging synergies, relatedness and collaboration that enables a federated organizational design penetrate desirable markets.

Keywords: Collaborative entrepreneurship, Market penetration, Exploitative synergies, Diversification, Operational synergies, Corporate advantage

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How to Cite


Joel Bigley. (2018-11-01). "Holistic View of Entrepreneurship in Practice in a Multinational Enterprise." *Volume 1*, 4, 19-39